Volume 6, Number 2
April 15, 1996
The intent of this network is to inform interested parties of recent or impending pesticide use cancellations, tolerance revocations, and other items of agricultural interest. To the best of our knowledge, the uses mentioned here, unless otherwise indicated, will not appear on any label registered by the USEPA after those uses are canceled. We recommend that you express any concerns or questions you have to the contact mentioned below or to your NAPIAP State Liaison Representative. If you wish to contact us at USDA, our phone number is 301-504-8846, our fax number is 301-504-8063, and our email address is ksmith@asrr.arsusda.gov.
The USEPA has proposed to revoke the tolerances for residues of three herbicides (chloroxuron, chloramben, and diethatyl-ethyl) in or on raw agricultural commodities (RACs). This proposed revocation will be delayed until 3/1/99, to allow growers who may still have stocks of these pesticides on hand to use up their supplies and permit any treated raw commodities and products to move through market channels. The last registered uses of these pesticides were canceled in 1993, 1991, and 1988 for diethatyl- ethyl, chloramben, and choroxuron, respectively. If finalized, tolerances will continue until 3/1/99 for products of these commodities:
3) diethatyl-ethyl - BEETS (RED), SPINACH, and SUGAR BEETS.
Send written comments, mentioning OPP-300396, to the Public Response Section of EPA by June 3, 1996.
For information contact:
Mr. Owen F. Beeder
EPA, Registration Division
Phone 703-308-8351
Fax 703-308-8369
Send written comments to:
Public Response Section (7506C)
EPA, Office of Pesticide Prog.
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Source: Federal Register 61:14694, 4/3/96
The USEPA has proposed to revoke the tolerances for residues of two herbicides (allidochlor and chlorfenac), three fungicides (biphenyl, butylamine, and chlorosulfamic acid), and two insecticides (calcium cyanide and chlorthiophos) immediately in or on all raw agricultural commodities. The registered uses of these pesticides were canceled on the following dates: allidochlor (1984), biphenyl (1992), butylamine (1989), calcium cyanide (1989), chlorfenac (1987), chlorosulfamic acid (none), and chlorthiophos (1984). The EPA is not recommending the establishment of action levels in place of these regulations. Send written comments, mentioning OPP-300396, to the Public Response Section of EPA by June 3, 1996.
For information contact:
Mr. Owen F. Beeder
EPA, Registration Division
Phone 703-308-8351
Fax 703-308-8369
Send written comments to:
Public Response Section (7506C)
EPA, Office of Pesticide Prog.
401 M Street, SW
Source: Federal Register 61:14694, 4/3/96
The USEPA has revoked the food additive tolerances for five pesticides in 13 processed foods. This action is one of a series of Delaney clause related actions required by a 1992 U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision. The proposal for this action was reported here on July 14, 1994 and in the Federal Register on July 1, 1994. This final rule becomes effective on May 21, 1996 unless appeals are filed.
TOLERANCES BEING REVOKED: ethylene oxide on ground SPICES mancozeb on OAT bran propargite on dried FIGS and dried TEA propylene oxide on COCOA, GLACE FRUIT, GUMS, processed NUTMEATS (except peanuts), dried PRUNES, processed SPICES, and STARCH simazine on SUGARCANE molasses and potable (drinking) WATER
Written comments, mentioning OPP-300335A, should be sent to the EPA
Hearing Clerk by April 22, 1996, and to the Public Response Branch
of EPA by May 6, 1996.
For additional information contact:
Ms. Niloufar Nazmi
EPA, Special Review Branch
Phone 703-308-8028
Fax 703-308-8041
Send written comments to:
Public Response Section (7506C)
EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Hearing Clerk, EPA
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Source: Federal Register 61:57, 3/22/96
The USEPA is proposing to revoke nine raw or fresh food tolerances for five pesticides. This action is another in a series of Delaney related actions resulting from a 1992 U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision. Studies indicate that all the pesticides covered in this announcement cause cancer in laboratory animals; therefore, EPA is required to revoke these tolerances which violate the Delaney clause, no matter how small the risk. In addition, the tolerance for alachlor on sunflower seed has been revoked because the registration for this use has been voluntarily canceled. It should be pointed out that revocations are being proposed for propargite and dicofol on apples because wet apple pomace is now considered a significant animal feed. This places in jeopardy nine or ten Delaney affected pesticide uses on apples, formerly thought to be safe after dried apple pomace was declared insignificant.
PROPOSED FOR REVOCATION (with eventual deletion of the pesticide uses leading to these residues): dicofol on APPLES, GRAPES, and PLUMS mancozeb on OATS and WHEAT propargite on APPLES and FIGS simazine on SUGARCANE triadimefon on WHEAT
EPA, also, proposes to retain 31 raw food tolerances that were at one time listed as susceptable to revocation due to the Delaney clause.
acephate on COTTONSEED
benomyl on CITRUS and RICE
captan on GRAPES and TOMATOES
carbaryl on PINEAPPLES
dicofol on TOMATOES
diflubenzuron on SOYBEANS
dimethipin on COTTONSEED
ethylene oxide on whole SPICES (direct treatment)
iprodione on PEANUTS and RICE
lindane on TOMATOES
mancozeb on BARLEY, GRAPES, and RYE
maneb on GRAPES
methomyl on WHEAT
norflurazon on GRAPES
permethrin on TOMATOES
propargite on GRAPES and PLUMS
thiodicarb on COTTONSEED and SOYBEANS
triadimefon on GRAPES and PINEAPPLES
This outlines EPA's plans for 41 of the origional 81 raw agricultural tolerances affected by the California v. Browner settlement entered on February 9, 1995, concerning the Delaney clause. EPA expects to issue proposed decisions on the remaining 40 raw agricultural tolerances by April, 1997. Comments regarding this proposed decision, mentioning OPP-300415, should be sent to the Public Response Section of EPA by May 30, 1996.
For information contact:
Ms. Niloufar Nazmi
EPA, Special Review Branch
Phone 703-308-8028
Fax 703-308-8041
Send written comments to:
Public Response Section (7506C)
EPA, Office of Pesticide Prog.
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Source: Federal Register 61:8173, 3/1/96
The USEPA has issued a preliminary determination to terminate the Special Review of cyanazine due to a voluntary phaseout and cancellation of all cyanazine products. The terms of this agreement call for an incremental phaseout on cyanazine which cannot be sold by the registrants after December 31, 1999. Cyanazine products may be sold and distributed in channels of trade through September 30, 2002, and used through December 31, 2002. The phaseout of cyanazine begins in 1997 and allows a maximum of 1 lb ai/acre in 1999 and requires closed cabs on application equipment from 1998 throughout the phaseout period. Cyanazine is currently registered as an herbicide on CORN (FIELD and SWEET), COTTON, and SORGHUM.
For additional information contact:
Mr. Joseph E. Bailey
EPA, Special Review Branch
Phone 703-308-8173
Fax 703-308-8041
Source: Federal Register 61:8185, 3/1/96
The Reregistration Notification Network is a cooperative effort of
USDA-NAPIAP, Interregional Project No. 4 (IR-4), U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA), and the American Crop Protection
Association (ACPA).
Last Modified February 4, 1998